Semillitas is our daily Extended Day program for amigues in Pre-k through 2nd grade!

Monday through Friday | 3:30PM to 6PM
Set a schedule according to your needs or your child’s interests. 2,3, 4, or 5 day schedules

Our Extended Day program affectionately known as Semillitas (little seeds) is a fun and expressive program. It is led and inspired by the imagination of its students who are offered the opportunity to delve even deeper into their curiosities and interests with individual attention. Because the school day is long, the semillitas program is tailored day by day to the energy level and needs of the individuals participating. Semillitas students will be welcome to rest, create, and play together in this flexible space all while gaining daily exposure to Spanish as is Mi Casita and Mi Centro’s nature!

This program is run through Mi Casita Pre-School but housed at Mi Centro Cultural next door, it is open to both Mi Casita students and kids not currently enrolled at Mi Casita.


Semillitas is a monthly program, prices reflect the monthly rate. Drop-ins not available.

DaysEarly ArrivalCare to 5PMCare to 6PM
1 Day$69$135$193
2 Days$139$270$386
3 Days$208$405$579
4 Days$278$540$772
5 Days$347$675$964